
With turn of the clocks, it’s starting to feel like the sunlight hours are incredibly precious. I cycle to work as the sun rises and come home in the pitch-dark. I can no longer feel my toes for most of the day.

Winter has its upsides, of course. Hot chocolate. Butternut squash. New mittens. Singing Silent Night in the shower. Curling up with a book and a blanket. Watching Frozen on repeat (wait – you guys have been doing that all summer? Without me?!)

But when Saturday warmed up for one last hurrah before dipping down into winter, I had to chase it.

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Homes on the river… barbecue and lifesaver ready.

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Railroad track graveyard?

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Hidden ponds.

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Are they seagulls, or… sharks?

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All kinds of blue going on here.

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Gravel for miles.

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Is it me, or… Two-Face?
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2 thoughts on “Saturday.

  1. Wow, what beautiful pix! Been cold in Virginia, too. We had our first fire in the fireplace Saturday night with the newlyweds here.

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